Sunday 9 June 2013

Life's not black and white. Sometimes the ends justifies the means. (Emily Giffin, Something Borrowed)

“So to what do I owe this visit?”

“Is there somewhere we can go that's a little more private? To the beach maybe?”

“Sorry, I can't go.”

“You're not allowed to leave this fenced in area? This actually is jail.”

“I'm allowed – I just can't right now. I'm waiting for someone.”

“You mean aside from me? Who would be more important than your old friend, a friend who took a twenty-five year sentence for you?”

“How did you manage to get out so soon?”

“I made the warden my friend.”

I raised a skeptical eyebrow.

“The little lawyer you paid for is worth the money, I guess.”

“Is that why you're here?” I whispered, “For your money? I've put your share into a Swiss bank account. I have all the information written in my bible.”

He laughed, not his awkward little chuckling laugh like before, now his laugh escaped as a single boom: Ha!

“Oh, you're serious,” he realized.

“I'll get the information to you. I'll call you later this week.”

He asked the woman behind him if he could borrow a pen. She instantly lost interest in the haggard man beside her and I could see the flicker in her eyes as she passed him a pen. He didn't notice. He took the pen and wrote his number on a napkin for me. He passed the pen back to her.

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