Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed. (Eminem)

Uncle Tony couldn’t separate from Scotch, my mother couldn’t separate from my father, why wasn’t there anyone who was unable to separate from me? I hated myself for thinking such a trite thought. I was no lovelorn teenage girl waiting to be asked to dance.

I sighed. If Joseph was still alive we could be jet setting around together. I never loved him like my parents loved each other and I don’t think he loved me that much either, but we could have been good company for one another. We could have loved forever. I sighed again. What was getting into me?

Senior spoke up and startled me by the booming sound of his voice.

“Could I go?”

He was asking me?

I stumbled over my response as I told him I’d be happy to have him come along.

Senior traveling with me; how strange!

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