Saturday, 16 February 2013

For he went west and she went east and they both lived. (Carl Sandburg)

I slept at Nicky's apartment that night. I wasn't sure where Tommy went and I didn't want to investigate. I felt much safer at Nicky's place. He was weird. He was shaky and nauseous. We should have gone to the hospital I guess.
I slept on his sofa instead of sharing his bed and he didn't contest it. I think he blamed me. I didn't sleep much that night. It was nearly dawn when we settled away for the night and I seen most of the sunrise through the modest view from his window. I slept an hour, two at best.
William was up early and he made a pot of coffee, which he shared with me. He sat beside me on the sofa.
Cheers,” he said and we clinked together our mugs of black coffee. “Good night?”
I tucked the blanket around me and curled my legs underneath me. “It was eventful.”
Not magical?”
I laughed.
Are you and Nicky fighting?”
No, I just wanted to sleep out here.”
William didn't believe that. 

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